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The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement Role | Class 11 Summary in English

The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement Role 
Summary in English
The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement Role
Green Movement was started in 1972 in New Zealand. It has become popular all over the world. It is based on a revolutionary idea. Now we do not look upon the earth as a mere rock that revolves around the sun but as a living organism. It has its own metabolic needs. It has its own vital processes.

The vital symptoms show that the earth is in poor health. it is our moral duty as its trustees to keep it in good health for the generations to come.

The idea of sustainable development was given by the World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987. It means that we may meet our present needs without depriving the future generations of the naturals resources that they would need.

 Now we realize that we are not the masters of the earth. We share it with millions of other creatures. Man is the most dangerous animal because he can destroy the ecology of the earth. We must not destroy the environment. We have a duty to the future generations. If we do not use the natural resources wisely with restraint, we shall leave behind a scorched planet of deserts and impoverished landscapes.

 Mr. Lester R. Brown points out that the earth has four principal biological systems. They are fisheries, forests grasslands, and croplands. These systems are the foundation of our economy. They supply our food. They supply our food. They supply raw materials for industry except products derived from petroleum. In many areas of the world, man uses them beyond a sustainable level. So the productivity falls short of consumption's. So the fisheries collapse, forests disappear, grasslands turn barren and croplands deteriorate. The poor find it difficult to buy firewood. Wherever man goes, he destroys forests. Tropical forest

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